Garden of Ayden - Enter the Garden

Module 4 Branch 2 : A Deep Breath Of Forgiveness And Releasing of Triggers

Garden of Ayden Season 1 Episode 11

Becoming more aware of the past patterns of the limitations of our own ideas and
thought processes we quickly realise that we are self-accountable: We have the power to
choose our thoughts. We analyse what behaviours we would like to improve upon. We
discard pre-conceived notions of others or even ourselves and we celebrate our
strengths. We are embracing our mistakes with relief, and enjoying who we really are.
We’ll learn to be comfortable with what we don’t know and happily strive to learn more.

Goal: You realise what was creating your reactions.
Epiphany: I can remove violence and aggression as useless tools in deal my journey.
Affirmation: My person becomes free of any triggers as all my negative impressions
are altered and released.

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