Garden of Ayden - Enter the Garden

Module 2 Branch 2 : What impact does my childhood have on my day ?

Garden of Ayden Season 1 Episode 5

THE GREENHOUSE - Self Reflection


We are learning to dismantle pre-conceived ideas and where they stem from. Our

childhood and family experiences play a significant role in creating our understanding of the world and ourselves. We are contemplating our individual family maps to recognise what we perceived as truths. We ask ourselves if these truths remain valid today or if we are in fact different to what we were labelled as. We question if our potential was limited. We delve into what we wish to free ourselves from and what we wish to redefine.

Something that really helped me was to create a director in my mind.

What impact does my childhood have on my today?

Goal: Reflect on what has created the way I am and how I react.
Epiphany: I realise the reasons why I feel the way I feel and that I impact others.
Affirmation: I accept who I was then and who I am today.

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